Please respond to one of the unit essential questions using what we have studied in class.
1. How do technological advances impact the social, economic and political structure of a country/region/world? 2. What is necessary to force change in an established system? 3. How does one’s environment affect him/her? 4. How do authors use the elements of fiction to achieve a purpose?
10/4/2014 11:37:45 pm
Question 3:
10/5/2014 07:32:45 am
Adding to Shane's comment about how you talked about Maggie's future, I have read through the current comments and almost every one has the quote "blossomed in a mud puddle" and don't get me wrong, its a good quote, but you are the only one (Unless I missed something) who has used the quote about her thinking of her future. I think it is a great quote to use because, like all the other women there, she could turn out just like them.
10/5/2014 08:21:15 am
10/5/2014 09:09:55 am
Lydia, you clearly answered the question and I agree with you on so many things, but I also agree with Sophia when she says that there wasn't necessarily no joy during the Industrial Revolution. You even said it when you said that Maggie "blossomed in a mud puddle". When I think about the conversations we had in class about this quote, it seemed as though we had all come to the conclusion that Maggie was special because she never let her disheartening surroundings and upbringing diminish her joy and hope. That alone proves that there was positivity during the Industrial Revolution. Also, although she is a bit downtrodden when she sees her peers in the factory and fears their lives as her future, she still doesn't lose hope and stoop to the level of the inhabitants in Rum Alley. I think the intent of the excerpt from the book was to show us that positivity could be and was achieved during the Industrial Revolution, not that working and small pay was the cause of negative living.
10/13/2014 05:16:28 am
Ariana, I agree with you that there is some positivity during the Industrial Revolution, but we haven't heard many people that have positive lives. Through the whole excerpt, Maggie stays positive even when her brother treats her disrespectfully, she doesn't let anything get in her way. But not having a job or getting paid little money can lead to a negative lifestyle with not being able to see their family as much as they want to.
10/5/2014 10:54:29 am
Lydia, i definitely agree when you said that the hard conditions caused the people of the Industrial Revolution to lose hope. I also liked that you included the Maggie quotes, like how she " blossomed in a mud puddle",that showed that not everyone was negatively effected by growing up in such a poor environment. The inferences that you made in this response actually cleared up some questions that i had on what the excerpt was trying to say. Very well written! Nice job !
10/6/2014 08:50:30 am
Totally agree with you Lydia, good job using evidence/quotes from the text. I also like that you included the moods throughout the text.
10/8/2014 03:43:57 am
I do feel as though the persons environment can have a positive or negative effect on their mood, but you have to think that even though maggie did "blossom in a mud puddle", it didn't exactly mean she was happy growing up in Rum alley. I do like your idea of how after she starts going to work she does get less happy and how she's beginning to imagine herself as a scrawny woman with eternal grievance.
Brian Ulbrich
10/12/2014 11:17:00 am
Lydia, you brought up some great points in your response. By stating that Maggie blosomed in a mud puddle shows that not every single person living in these harsh conditions was negatively effected. However, just because she fears her future and is disgusted by the horrible conditions inside the factory in which she works, she does not loose all hope and sight of her dreams of bigger and better things. Besides this, you did a great job!
10/5/2014 12:48:05 am
One's environment can effect them in lots of different ways. The environment can effect family , emotions and the ability to be successful. If the environment of a family is poor then it can cause the family to turn on each other. In the excerpt from "Maggie: A Girl of the Streets" , Maggie's family does this due to their environment. Jimmie, Maggie's brother, tells Maggie to " go teh hell or go teh work" this is no way to treat loved ones, but the Industrial Revolution caused these horrible environments, like long work hours in terrible conditions,that cause family members to be bitter toward one another. Everybody in the family had to work all day to support the family and this could cause the family to have no emotional ties with each other . In the excerpt, Maggie's mother, Mary, seemed to be blind to her children. She would constantly be arrested and up to no good rather than trying to help support the family and care for her children. Most mothers first instinct would be to be worried about their children's well being ,rather than trying to defend themselves in court. The ability to be successful is linked to the environment and how it can affect someone because if the environment that they grew up in was poor then they are most likely going to, like most others, act poorly to match their environment. The majority of people who grow up in a poor environment are going to be less hopeful at the possibility of being successful. Unlike Maggie, who "blossomed in a mud puddle", he or she will follow in the footsteps of the others in the environment. Just as Jimmie acted " as his father did before him" , the others in these kinds of environments will act as thy have seen, and continue to be in the working class for the remainder of their lives. This is how one's environment can affect him or her.
Nate Barboza
10/7/2014 01:37:39 am
I totally agree with you Merri, I like how you used examples from the Maggie excerpt and how you connected the examples from the text to the Industrial Revolution. Good Job.
10/7/2014 07:40:07 am
Merri great job using the examples from the Maggie excerpt to help support your claim. I totaly agree that Maggie's family turns on her, and relies on her to do all the work to provide for the family. Also i agree that a mothers first instinct ahould be to worry about their children. As you said Mary do not do so
Kelly yarboro
10/7/2014 07:42:27 am
Merri great job using the examples from the Maggie excerpt to help support your claim. I totaly agree that Maggie's family turns on her, and relies on her to do all the work to provide for the family. Also i agree that a mothers first instinct ahould be to worry about their children. As you said Mary does'nt do so.
10/7/2014 07:46:09 am
sorry ignore the double comment accidentaly poste twice.
10/7/2014 07:52:28 am
I really agree what your saying because , (for a example) somebody could be the nicest person in the world and if their environment was bad then they would continuously be subjected to negative feelings and emotions portrayed by other people and , sooner or later you would also start to display these negative emotions and , therefore not be the nicest person in the world.
10/7/2014 08:50:01 am
10/7/2014 09:34:42 am
I agree on what you're saying. That a family should be there for each other as Maggie's family obviously isn't there for her trying to get up there instead of staying down in the social class with the rest of her family.
10/7/2014 11:37:48 am
i agree with you 100% Merri. Also, great job using quotes/evidence from the Maggie excerpt to support you answer.
Evan Parsons
10/10/2014 11:05:24 am
I agree with what you said and I really like the way you were able to use quotes from the excerpt to make clear connections to how environment can affect someone.
Brian Ulbrich
10/12/2014 10:10:04 am
Merri, you made some fantastic points throughout your response. I do agree that if the envoronment is poor and the people in the environment are bitter an unhopeful, others are going to absorb this negativity and act the same way as the surrounding people. I also agree that the environment affects families and could cause them to become more distant and mean to one another. Overall, magnificent response!
Jordyn Forte
10/13/2014 12:49:42 am
10/13/2014 05:20:03 am
Merri, I liked how you included when Maggie "blossomed in a mud puddle" and what a mother should do when their child is in trouble or needs help. Great response. 10/14/2014 05:51:46 am
10/5/2014 01:39:52 am
I liked how you linked the affects of the environment to your ability to be successful; I definitely agree with that and it is an obvious characteristic of Maggie's mother and her part in her daughter's life.
Emilia Yippy
10/5/2014 04:11:52 am
@Lydia @Merri YASSSSSSSS I totes agree with you Lydia. Merri has a very strong claim with strong evidence to follow and it was just wonderful to read those words "The ability to be successful is linked to the environment and how it can affect someone because if the environment that they grew up in was poor then they are most likely going to, like most others, act poorly to match their environment. " *huggles* ^_^
10/5/2014 02:44:52 am
3. How does one’s environment affect him/her?
Emilia Yippy
10/5/2014 04:08:50 am
YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~ I found it interesting when you gave the example of a rich man... Also it was nice to read a students work that was more conversational rather than in a format such as an essay in this blog. Great job and keep on thinking big! ^_^
10/5/2014 07:07:03 am
Uh, was I supposed to use Maggie quotes...? Just reading all these others with them.
Emilia Yippy
10/5/2014 09:15:13 am
I don't think it is required to have Maggie quotes. All that was needed was for you to answer the question of your choice.
10/11/2014 04:57:04 am
Wait we were ? I didn't use any quotes
Mrs. Hodges
10/13/2014 12:20:25 am
Using quotes in not a requirement. Check the instructions again if you are confused. You should have evidence, but it can be paraphrased, historical or textual.
Bryan McKeever
10/6/2014 06:55:29 am
Jeff I completely agree with you. I was also thinking of using the Industrial Revolution as an example, too. I also find you had an interesting, out-of-the-box example with the rich man. Nice job!
10/8/2014 03:48:48 am
10/11/2014 01:02:32 am
Reminds me of the Kardashians, not having to lift a finger and whatnot, but anyways, Great job. I find everything in the answer of yours to be correct in some way. Rich losing their money and going to work like the average joes, happens all the time. I have to agree, when you have all of the money, your lifestyle and environment change completely. Used to living in a cramped apartment? Well here's some cash and "BOOM!" you now own a mansion inside a mansion inside a mansion with a full sized mansion for your dog, and so forth. This also can be seen backwards, as jeff so put it in his answer, where the rich lose their money and become poor, having to work, etc.
10/14/2014 04:32:30 am
I find your claim is very interesting. I would like to add that your rich to broke scenario can be compared to that of the skilled craftsman in the the Industrial Revolution. The craftsmen where put out of business due to the low prices of the industries. This changes the class of the craftsmen altogether. I just thought that would be a good point to add. I believe there are many aspects that involve in the effects of different environments on people. For example in the excerpt " Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets " It talks about a young girl named Maggie who lives in a very disappointing, but normal sounding environment during the time of the Industrial Revolution. During this time many adults and even children were spending their day locked up in a factory working until they went home to go to sleep just to repeat the process day in and day out. Now working in a factory not only can be very dangerous, but also made the workers very tired and depressed especially with the ridiculously low pay that they made for all their hard work, barley being enough to support their families. For example in the excerpt " Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets " I quote "Jimmie (Maggie's brother) grew large enough to take the vague position of head of the family. He stumbled up-stairs late at night, as his father had done before him. He reeled about the room, swearing at his relations, or went to sleep on the floor". This quote shows that Maggie's father had left them or possibly died and that Jimmie now having to step up and become the families main income source, he is very stressed and angry that he is in this position and is not only not ready for the responsibility, but all the work is getting to his head and he may be starting to " lose it " maybe even like his father. Back to Maggie, she also had to work in these terrible conditions, but Maggie had one thing that others didn't... which was hope. In the excerpt it states that " Maggie, blossomed in a mud puddle " and " She grew to be a most rare and wonderful production of a tenement district ". These quotes show that even though Maggie lived in an environment of terrible conditions, she was able to hope that one day she could get away from all of this which is why she would like someone like Pete, a character who is described as " a detestable creature " and someone who judges women for their looks. Maggie would like Pete because thanks to all his money he was like a ticket to a better life for Maggie, a life that Maggie deserves. So in conclusion, this shows how the conditions and people in an environment can affect people and their well-being.
10/5/2014 09:16:17 am
Really nice job overall; I liked when you said that Pete was her ticket to a better life. I'm not sure that she was referring to Pete as a "detestable creature", though. I think it's her boss at the factory.
10/5/2014 09:42:21 am
She wasn't, I don't know why they set the page up like that but its talking about Pete then the owner then Pete again.
10/6/2014 09:26:47 am
Shane I agree and support everything you said and what really got it interesting was the quote "detestable creature" but i really don't think she was referring to Pete as the factory boss, be.cause she was obsessed with Pete and she wouldn't call him a "detestable creature"
Makenzie Christiansen
10/11/2014 06:17:33 am
10/13/2014 11:08:19 am
Emily H
10/5/2014 05:33:15 am
#3 How does one's environment affect him/her
10/5/2014 07:17:18 am
Don't take this as me saying that what you wrote is incorrect, just my view on it.
Emily H
10/5/2014 09:30:34 am
I suppose I should have worded myself differently to make it more clear what I meant. Like you said, they didn't say it was okay but it was very common. Especially in her household.
Bryan McKeever
10/6/2014 07:47:21 am
I think that maybe you could have used a better quote or something in your piece. Maybe you could have used an explanation as to how you inferred Maggie took the quote you had as a sign of dignity. Overall though, pretty good job.
10/7/2014 08:29:07 am
10/5/2014 05:46:57 am
How does one's environment affect him/her? One's environment plays a partial role in how one behave. Jimmie was affected negatively by the poor environment around him, but what puzzles me is why Maggie didn't grow up to also take after her irresponsible parents. One could argue hope was one of the key factors for Maggie to "blossom in the mud puddle," but the initial point in which she acquire this hope is questionable. There is Pete and the play ,but the story seems to infer that she was always a kind hearted young woman. Perhaps her behaviors were different before she met Pete or went to those fancy plays. One could also argue that personality and will are innate and that environment affects different people in different ways depending on your "starting stats" from when you were born. In psychology, there is a theory known as the Big Five. This Big Five is the different factors of your personality. Jimmie seems to show signs of having a large portion of neuroticism (anxiety and stress) while Maggie, even under hard conditions, seems to keep a hopeful view. There is also Vygotsky's Zone that states that children take after their guardians and surrounding environment which would explain Jimmie's behavior in how he took after his farther’s bad behaviors of alcoholism, but in no way Maggie's behaviors of being hopeful and generous. To wrap up, one's environment plays a partial role of how one behave ,but other factors also affect one's behaviors as well.
10/11/2014 12:47:42 am
This confused me a bit until you put the disclaimer at the bottom about using "psychological theories" as you so put it. I find it great that you found outside 'material' other than just guessing and checking based on the Maggie article. In the middle of your answer, you put " There is Pete and the play ,but the story seems to infer that she was always a kind hearted young woman. Perhaps her behaviors were different before she met Pete or went to those fancy plays." But as you would see in the actual article, she became "depressed", so to say, once she started being around Pete more often. She started to hate the factory clothes and begin to notice the other women, and how she is jealous of them because of Pete going for the fanciness. She begins to see the social differences, how she is in the lower class, where Pete won't go for her, and she sees the upper class, the ones Pete will go for as a girlfriend.
Jordyn Forte
10/13/2014 01:00:43 am
10/13/2014 06:29:37 am
10/5/2014 07:22:36 am
Just ignore this, testing something [S]Test[/S]
10/5/2014 08:55:01 am
2.) Upward Mobility is necessary to force change in an environment. The industrial revolution is a good example of the lack of upward mobility. Since there was no upward mobility during this time period, there was no room for change. People were stuck, like Maggie. Maggie had so much potential, but since she didn't have the opportunity to get an education, due to her social class. She had to work instead, and she didn't get the chance to be successful. "She knew she was gradually and surely shriveling in the hot, stuffy room." She knew that she was capable of more, if she had gotten the chance. Maggie was stuck in a factory, in horrible conditions, where she would've rather been at school getting an education, so she would have a chance when she grows up. If Maggie had gotten this chance that she deserved, she could've ended up in a better place than the streets.
10/5/2014 09:07:23 am
That's a perfect example for your claim. The quote you used "She knew she was gradually and surely shriveling in the hot, stuffy room" really shows how her life's course has been set.
10/5/2014 11:02:19 am
I may be wrong , but i disagree that there was no upward mobility during this period. Although it was very difficult to move up in the social class in this time period it was not impossible.But, other than that this was very well written.I thought that when you included your insight of what the quote "She knew she was gradually and surely shriveling in the hot, stuffy room". I definitely agree that she thought that she was capable of more. Also, very unique. So far this is the only response that answers question # 2. Well done !
10/7/2014 09:38:57 am
There was a lack of upward mobility during this period. It wasn't totally stopped, but it was very hard to actually move up since they were unskilled workers. There was a little bit of upward mobility, it wasn't fully stopped but it wasn't totally there either. I like how you use the fact that Maggie had so much more potential than others saw, and how you said that due to her social class she could not succeed and the only way she may have been able to climb to this level is that she would need more money which in this case would increase her social class. Awesome job
10/7/2014 06:55:15 am
Sophie good job connectin the Maggie exerpt into your answer. I agree that Maggie did not get the opporitunity to get an education or move up. But other people could move up. Although few people did, it was still possible.
Jordyn Forte
10/13/2014 01:06:13 am
Bryan McKeever
10/6/2014 07:19:32 am
Question #3
Bryan McKeever
10/6/2014 07:43:08 am
I would like to add to mine that I also think that one's environment makes someone used their own environment. In the Maggie excerpt Maggie is used to her own situation. If she encountered a household with a lot more money, things would be different for her. Someone is cocooned by their environment, and are almost in a box so that when they step out into a different setting it changes the person. They only really know their previous environment well.
Makenzie Christiansen
10/11/2014 05:22:46 am
10/6/2014 08:35:31 am
How does one's environment affect him or her?
10/6/2014 08:58:40 am
Shane, I like your use of the Jimmie quote from "Maggie: A Girl of the Streets". I think it's a very strong example of how a person's environment can affect them. That's probably why I use the same scenario in my response. However, when you say that Maggie's negative environment affects her in a positive way, it doesn't quite make much sense. Also, I believe the person Maggie is talking about when she says " a detestable creature," is her boss, the factory owner. But all in all, great response!
10/6/2014 09:22:28 am
3. How does one’s environment affect him/her?
10/6/2014 11:38:11 am
Arsani, I believe that I have a response to your excellent question about Pete. The reason that Pete did nothing about Maggie's self-loathing of being a street-girl is because he used that lack of confidence to his advantage. It says in the excerpt that Maggie was suddenly overcome by an immense dislike for all her dresses, and that dislike was brought on by thoughts of Pete seeing her in the dresses. Maggie was too young and naive to see that Pete was really just a fool who wanted a pretty girl to call his, at least until he found a prettier girl. She believed him to be confident, not rude as he really was. Maggie also viewed Pete as her escape from the life that she despised because he was older and had more money. He could afford to take her to the theatre, which she would have never been able to do on her own. Although this has little significance, it does support that Maggie was naive because Pete was still a lower-class jerk, contrary to what she believed. Because of this, Pete was able to humor Maggie for a little while before he got sick of her and dropped her like a bad habit in order to find the bigger and better thing for himself. This is why Pete doesn't care to take the idea of being a "street girl" away from Maggie.
James C
10/7/2014 09:21:00 am
10/8/2014 06:35:53 am
I like how you mentioned Maggie as the "outlier" and how the environment caught up to her when she became a prostitute.
10/13/2014 11:19:06 am
Dude you just ruined the book for Shane ha ha
10/7/2014 09:30:27 am
3. How does one’s environment affect him/her?
10/7/2014 11:45:24 am
Torey, instead of saying, "i believe..." you could start off the response by simply restating the question rather then using "I" which shows it is your opinion and not the facts.
Mrs. Hodges
10/13/2014 12:50:40 am
This comment would be great peer feedback on an open response, but it's okay to be a little less formal in a blog.
10/13/2014 09:40:00 am
I agree fully with your statement regarding the worker morale and the affect the lack of kindness has on them. The terrible working conditions and mistreatment they had to endure was depressing and gave them very little to no motivation.
10/13/2014 10:20:02 am
Torey Great claim but little explaination on your first quote but the second quote was explained nicely but there was also no closure
james cameron
10/7/2014 09:42:45 am
3)How does one’s environment affect him/her?
Bryan McKeever
10/13/2014 01:17:05 am
James, I was a little confused because you seemed a little contradictory to yourself. You gave evidence for Jimmie and said how the environment affected him, and that was perfectly fine, but then for Maggie you seemed to have said the environment didn't affect her. Maybe this was just me, I don't know, but it was a little confusing for me anyway.
10/13/2014 08:20:20 am
This is a great response Titanic! You have really good examples! And they all make connections to you your claim. I really understand your response and I think you made it very clear for your audience to comprehend.
10/7/2014 11:59:05 am
#3) How does one’s environment affect him/her?
10/7/2014 12:00:23 pm
How does one’s environment affect him/her?
2. What is necessary to force change in an established system?
Colin with one L
10/8/2014 09:32:31 am
Great observation Ben, this is exactly why the union movement took place, "...union reforms, which had a large amount of employees requesting change. To get this change they established large strikes" as you said. They also participated in collective bargaining where a representative for the workers negotiated for better working standards in an effort to avoid strikes. Also, do you think the Lowell girls would've benefited from a union/strike?
10/8/2014 08:52:01 am
3. How does one's environment affect him or her?
10/13/2014 10:53:09 am
Lawrence U.
10/8/2014 01:34:16 pm
10/11/2014 12:53:18 am
Lawrence, this is, in my opinion, a great understanding and response to question number 3. The only thing i would like to see in it is how it relates to Maggie or other texts. maybe bring in a quote from Maggie to show how the 'ghetto' has an effect on people, such as Jimmie being an alcoholic, and Mary, their mother, going to a life of crime, stealing and whatnot, instead of trying to support the family that Mary and her husband, who left them or died, decided to have.
10/13/2014 09:44:16 am
I can see where your support is coming from but referring to a text would give your claim much more validity.
10/13/2014 10:17:03 am
Lawrence I believe you have great ideas about your response but no concrete evidence. For example you could have used the Maggie excerpt to help support your claim.
10/11/2014 01:14:00 am
Q4: How do authors use the elements of fiction to achieve a purpose?
Grace Mayer
10/12/2014 01:58:05 pm
I really like your answer, but to improve it I think you should incorporate what the elements of fiction are. You had great pieces of evidence, but you should specify what they are examples of, such as diction, figurative language, setting, characterization, etc. I strongly agree when you mentioned that the purpose of "Hard Times" was to express the bad qualities of industrialization, but what was the purpose of the Maggie excerpt? Great job at answering a question that not many others answered.
Colin with one L
10/13/2014 02:40:58 am
Andrew, I think your comment is well thought out and sites relevant examples. In Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, the author described a character that could have lived during the Industrial Revolution. However, I don't believe the author was making it seem worse than it actually was. Although this is a work of fiction, I think the scenario was common during that time period.
10/11/2014 04:55:54 am
A persons environment affects them because you react to your environment. If you place your self In a bad environment you won't be happy and Cheery. Your environment ment partially controls your mood. It affects the way you talk to because and how you act towards them. Sports for instance on the court you might be barbaric and loud but off the court you could be calm and collected
Mackenzie Saltmarsh
10/11/2014 09:19:31 am
You have a great claim, but i fell like instead of using evidence from sports you should use evidence from an article from class, for example, Maggie: A Girl of the Streetes
Makenzie Christiansen
10/11/2014 05:06:19 am
Question 3: How does one's environment affect him/her?
10/11/2014 02:05:26 pm
Question 1.) How do technological advances impact the social, economic, and political structure of a country/region/world?
Grace Mayer
10/12/2014 11:29:31 am
This is a good response, however I feel like you can go further. I want to know why these industrialized countries are the "global leaders" and why the US is a "sound country" as you had mentioned. What makes these countries more stable and superior when compared to the rest of the world? I think that when you include this explanation, your evidence will be better connected to your claim. Also, you should give examples of specific technological advances, because that will support your claim as well. Overall, I like your thinking and reasoning for this question.
Mrs. Hodges
10/13/2014 12:56:10 am
Nathan who?
10/12/2014 01:19:17 am
3) One's environment affects him/her's mood. An individuals mood can be positive or negativedependin on their environment. In the Maggie excerpt Maggie: A girl of The Streets Maggie's mood was positive in the begging then negative toward the begging, the text states that she "blossemed in a mud puddle" and that none of the dirt of Rum Valley seemed to be in her veins". This shows that dispite Maggie's environment was a strong girl and didnt try and stop herself from having fun, because of her environment. Later in the excerpt she was told to "go teh hellor go teh work!" Her environment changed to working ina factory. The long hours, low wages, and poor conditions affected Maggie's mood. She was not happy or joyful because of the way she was treated at the factory. Her mom was not a good influence on her because she was always getting in trouble and going to court. Also her brother "went to sleep on the floor" most nights which indicates he could have benn an alcoholic. Some individuals can be positive(unlike Maggie's). Say somebody lives in a mansion with many riches and everythinh they ever wanted. Then their mood would be joyful and will have few worries. This shows how one's environment affect's him/her's environment.
Mackenzie Saltmarsh
10/13/2014 08:40:58 am
I agree with your claim, but what exactly is Maggie's mood? You said it wasn't happy or joyful, but what exactly is it? Depressed, upset, angry. I fell like you could have specified what her mood is.
Marissa Peirce
10/13/2014 10:41:28 am
I agree with Mackenzie that you could have given a specific mood to describe the text. Overall your answer was valid. and had good evidence. 10/14/2014 05:56:08 am
Brian Ulbrich
10/12/2014 11:01:32 am
Ones environment can have a great effect on them in various ways. If the surrounding environment is poor and filled with poor people, it can have a negative effect on familes and can cause familes to become more distant and cruel to one another. In the excerpt "Maggie: A Girl of the Streets" Maggies mother was an expert liar and was constantly getting herself into trouble with the law. Almost all the court officials knew Maggie's mother. "She always besieged the bench with voluble excuses, explanations, apologies and prayers". Instead of being with her family and being a good role model for her children to look up to, the environment in which she lived in caused her to make irresponsible decisions. Maggies brother Jimmie would often "stumble upstairs late at night, as his father had done before him". Jimmie, like other children, look up to their parents and follow in their footsteps. While living in a bad environment, the father and Jimmie absorbed the negativity from others around them and got themselves into bad situations, and transformed into everybody else living in this environment. The Industrial Revolution forced everybody, even young children and teens like Maggie, to work in factories day in and day out. Families didn't spend nearly enough time together because of work. Those who live in a positive environment are more likely to be happier and motivated to succeed, and the same goes for those living in a run down environment. Those people will be unwilling and mean people. During the Industrial Revolution, the majority of people worked a great number of hours in polluted environments and recieved little pay. A persons actions and personality can be affected positively or negatively based on their environments and the surrounding people. 10/13/2014 02:34:39 am
Question #3
Gavin Wildrick
10/13/2014 09:22:19 am
I completely agree with your claim, although I feel as if you could make your references to your supporting evidence a little stronger and maybe more specific. And i'd like to touch upon the reference about Jimmie, I don't think he wants to be like his father, but rather he doesn't know any other way to act or respond to the situations because that was the way he grew up seeing his father deal the problems. But besides that, your claim and evidence seem pretty good to me.
Gavin Wildrick
10/13/2014 09:51:58 am
"... seeing his father deal with* the problems."
10/13/2014 06:00:26 am
One's environment can effect him/her in many different ways. When there is a poor environment for certain people, that just means you have to work twice as hard to get the right amount of money to support your family. In the Maggie excerpt, she sees a child "playing and fighting with gamins in the street" and it disgusts her. Everyday she lived with watching families being disrespected by each other and even her own, and she knew that wasn't the way to live life. So she ignored it and kept her hopes up to live a positive lifestyle that not many people had. Maggie's brother Jimmie always "stumbled up-stairs late at night, as his father had done before him". Jimmie, living around a negative environment as a little boy didn't know what it meant to be a kind, respectful person, so with his father not around he was the man of the house and thought everyone had to follow by his rules. He told Maggie "Yeh've edder got the go the hell or go the work!" giving her no choice to go back to a negative environment anywhere she went. Maggie's mother depended on her own life going to court and getting into trouble with the law when a mother should be there for their child if they need a mother or in trouble. With her always in court or jail, its like Maggie never really had a mom. In conclusion, with a bad and/or negative environment, Maggie was going to change that and make her life a positive one.
10/13/2014 06:25:19 am
I like your answer, it explains the question very well, and the evidence was cool because it's all a reference we understand.
10/13/2014 06:23:22 am
1. How do technological advances impact the social, economic and political structure of a country/region/world?
10/13/2014 08:16:51 am
There are many necessary key points that would be useful in forcing change in a established system. One example would be rules. Rules would definitely be a key factor in forcing change because if you just tried to tell people what to do it would be very hard, but if you used a ruling system people would listen more because if they did not, they would have consequences. Also, another key factor to force change in a established system would be a rule up keeper or a authority to make sure the rules were nto being broken. This is a key factor because, if there was nobody making sure the rules were being upheld by all the members of the system, then they would be broken. And finally, to force change in a established system there would need a certain amount of people that would also be willing to make the change (for example a strike needs many people to all agree that they want a specific thing to be changed).This would also be a key factor because if there was nobody willing to make a change then it simply would not be changed. As you can see there are many necessary key factors when it comes to forcing change in a established system.
Mackenzie Saltmarsh
10/13/2014 08:31:08 am
Question 3
Gavin Wildrick
10/13/2014 10:03:22 am
Mackenzie, your claim has some very strong points with valid evidence, although your answer could be more detailed in the evidence area. With your examples of Maggie, seeing that she doesn't want to become like the others inside of her environment, you never really explained how their environment could affect him/herself in a negative way. So overall, you have some substantial pieces of evidence and you have answered the claim, although it could have been stronger.
10/13/2014 06:47:48 pm
I like what you said about how maggie blossemed in a mud puddle and how her environment was an abusive city and how it inspired her but i think you should further explain what you mean by instead of becoming like the others.
Gavin Wildrick
10/13/2014 09:03:49 am
Essential Question:
10/13/2014 09:27:18 am
Q3: How does one's environment affect him/her?
Colin with one L
10/13/2014 09:38:27 am
1) How do technological advances impact the social, economic and political structure of a country/region/world? Technological advances affected social structure in Britain during the Industrial Revolution by creating class tensions between factory owners and businessmen, and the workers. While factory owners became wealthier, workers threw riots because their working conditions were decreasing and their jobs were being replaced by machines. As sited in the text "The Industrial Revolution transformed economic systems, in part, this was because nations dramatically changed the way they produced and distributed goods." The railway age began in Britain in the early 1800s and created industrial growth by allowing factory owners to ship products cheaper, quicker and over longer distances than before. It also made traveling easier which allowed people to commute further to their jobs. As a result, businesses grew as things became cheaper to create, distribute, and sell. The Industrial Revolution spawned many reforms such as Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism. If these economic systems didnt exist, then the world would probably be completely different. For example, many world leaders adapted Communism and augmented it to fit their needs. Overall, technological advances during the Industrial Revolution impacted social, economic and political structures by creating class tensions, increasing wealth, and promoting change.
Brian MacDonald
10/13/2014 11:26:47 am
I love how you described Great Britain and used quotes from the text it really helped complete your explanation. Also I liked how you used many different vocabulary in your answer it makes it much stronger.
Jordyn Forte
10/13/2014 09:57:36 am
Question 3: How does one's environment affect him/her?
10/13/2014 10:12:04 am
#3. How does ones environment affect him/her.
Evan Parsons
10/13/2014 10:21:56 am
4. How do authors use the elements of fiction to achieve a purpose?
Marissa Peirce
10/13/2014 10:39:12 am
Evan, i really like how you sited two different texts, it really helped strengthen your claim.
Marissa Peirce
10/13/2014 10:37:11 am
How does one’s environment affect him/her?
Brian MacDonald
10/13/2014 11:22:57 am
I think this is a very good response overall but I think you just need to explain the "mud puddle" to people better like how the author used the mud puddle to describe her environment and what the mud puddle stood for.
10/13/2014 06:42:18 pm
I agree with what with what Marissa said about how the environment of one mainly shapes the person in a way.
Brian MacDonald
10/13/2014 11:15:04 am
Question 1: How do the technological advances impact the social, economic, and political structure of a country/region/world?
10/14/2014 04:40:02 am
You seemed to focus on how technology positively impacts the society, economy, and politics. However, technology has hindered us as well. The anonymous nature of certain social networking sites like Facebook can lead to people being more aggressive. One could argue television and youtube has made us lazy and less intelligent than we once were. Not to mention the spread of rumors through the internet in politics. Lets just say words get around quick. Overall, technology might have its short comings ,but still has very vital roles in our lives today.
Grace Mayer
10/13/2014 11:31:19 am
How do authors use the elements of fiction to achieve a purpose?
Emilia Yippy
10/13/2014 11:40:42 am
3. How does one’s environment affect him/her?
10/13/2014 06:35:30 pm
3. How does one’s environment affect him/her? Some ways ones environment can effect him or her are for example if someone has a very troubled life style at home that could make them very miserable and have a negative effect on them and effect them in lots of other ways which relates to maggies lifestyle at home also because of the fact that her dad passed and her mom was not a very good role model and was not supportive of maggie that could have had a negative effect on her. Another way a persons environment could effect them is if a person in a working area is working in a unsafe or hazardous area they could be injured and effected by the conditions of the area, for example if one is working in small space with large machinery they could possibly get hurt or if they are in a small area with a large amount of fumes they may be effected by that also.
Nate Barboza
10/14/2014 12:08:10 am
3. How does ones environment affect his or herself?Ones environment affects them because it affects the way a person can act or how a person reacts to a certain situation. If a child grows up witnessing his father abusing his mother, he will most likely grow up being an abusive person also. This is also evident in "Hard Times" particularly in Jimmies case. In "Hard Times" it says "…he stumbled up-stairs late at night, as his father had done before him. He reeled about the room, swearing at his relations, or went to sleep on the floor". This shows Jimmy is affected by his environment because Jimmy witnessed his father trudge in to the house in a drunken rage. He grew up believing that that was an acceptable action and followed in his fathers footsteps. These are prime examples of how someone's environment affects them.
10/14/2014 04:08:32 am
Technology effects a country in many different ways. One of which is production. With increased manufacturing technology a country or region will no longer need to pay workers and can also produce a greater amount of goods. Additionally a region with greater technology may become imperialistic like and conquer nations with less technology. Examples of such are the middle east with less technology many of the nations (excluding UAE Qatar) are generally weaker both military and economically nations. Less technology may also prove dangerous to the fundamentals of a first world education. Less technology leads to lesser education wich in turn may lessen all forms of a nations strength since as technology is constantly increasing and a nation with less technology will soon become the minority. This links back to the text because as technology increases although the economy in Maggie in the streets may seem poor the wealthy and more important people are enduring wealth, power, and education
Nate Barboza
10/14/2014 09:50:31 am
Matt, I like your answer but to improve it you could have looked at both positive and negative effects for more or less technology, not just focusing on one or the other. For example when you said that countries with better technology have a higher production rate you could have also said that employment rate and poverty levels could have risen and damaged the economy but overall good answer.
Ariana Baker
10/14/2014 10:38:35 am
Question #2: How do technological advances impact the social, economic and political structure of a country/region/world? Comments are closed.
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