If you were absent you will need to stay after to make up vocab quiz 6 and a grammar quiz when you return.
Finish the Map and begin to study for your vocabulary Quiz.
If you were absent you will need to stay after to make up the 29.3 notes quiz when you return. Complete notes on chp 29 section 3 for tomorrow.
Study vocab list 6 If you were absent you will need to complete the assignment below. The link to the article is at the top of the document. Colonial Folly Article Analysis Complete vocabulary list 6 for tomorrow. This list can be found on the WWI page of this site.
Complete notes on chapter 29 section 3 for Wednesday. There will be an open notes quiz. If you were absent you will need to stay after to make up a sound devices quiz. If you were absent you need to stay after to make up vocab quiz 5 when you return. You have a new list of vocabulary words, due on Tuesday, that can be found on the WWI page of this website. You missed a lesson on sound devices that you will need to get out of the absent bin when you return.
Make sure you turned in your disillusionment open response and graphic organizer. Click the link below to see.
Disillusionment OR Complete II and III on the grammar worksheet from class.
Study for a vocabulary Quiz tomorrow and an open notes grammar Quiz. Vocab list 5 is due tomorrow. You can access the list on the WWI page of this site. Make corrections to your open notes WWI review quiz
If you were absent, you need to make up an open notes WWI review quiz and view, take notes and complete tasks on the WWI Propaganda power point on the WWI page of this site. |
TIPSCheck Your homework nightly and ask questions using the comment feature Archives
January 2016
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